Knowledgebase article 218

Setting up Google Calendar

  1. Use this link( to create or select a project in the Google Developers Console and automatically turn on the API. Click Continue, then Go to credentials.
  2. On the Add credentials to your project page, click the Cancel button.
  3. At the top of the page, select the OAuth consent screen tab. Select an Email address, enter a Product name if not already set, and click the Save button.
  4. Select the Credentials tab, click the Create credentials button and select OAuth client ID.
  5. Select the application type Other, enter the name of the application and click the Create button.
  6. Click OK to dismiss the resulting dialog.
  7. Click the file_download (Download JSON) button to the right of the client ID.
  8. Add the file and the application name to Collaboration -> Google Calendar
  9. Navigate to groups to enable GC for each group

Group eHD Standard Support Last modified May 10, 2023 Type Public Viewed 198